We are theLocke Family Association, for the Locke families of early New England.
We are a family organization that puts as great an emphasis on the fellowship of modern Locke descendants as on the traditional genealogical pursuits of collecting and publishing data and preserving Locke artifacts.

"Experts on human personality tell us there are three things people really need to live a rich and happy life. The first thing is to know where you come from, to know your heritage. The second is for our lives to have a purpose or a sense of significance. The third and most important thing is that along the way we connect with other people. If you look around the room to each other we should consider ourselves very fortunate because we can find all three of those things right here in this room. We should be thankful that we live in a country where this is possible and to be part of a family that helped make it so. We should consider ourselves very rich." Tom Hunt at the 120th annual family reunion.
The NewsSee what we're up to.
Read Older Posts →The TeamMeet our amazing officers.

Kathy (Kate) Jean Locke Aghaghiri is serving as our second woman president. Her goals for the Association are to work toward efficiency and inclusiveness using social networking and modern technology. She has been the Event Planner for the Association since the 117th Reunion in 2007. In 2010 she hosted the 120th reunion in Geneva, NY, declared the best reunion since the 100th by a past president who organized it. An 11th generation descendant of John and Elizabeth Berry Locke's son William, her interest in the Association was inspired by her Aunt Corinne Glazebrook, a long-time member and frequent attendee of the reunions.

Vice Presidents
1. Cemeteries: Hunter Stetz is an archaelogist and keeps an eye on the cemeteries and our relationship with the Rye Historical Society.;
2. Genealogy: Geoff Smith who joined in the 1990’s after tracing his Perkins ancestor to the 1916 genealogy. He attended the reunion in 2017 and volunteered to update the genealogy and place all three volumes of it into a database. He also is the current editor of the newsletter.;
3. Reunion Brochure: John Locke lends us his considerable experience in graphics and page layout for our annual brochures with reunion details;
4. Reunion Coordinator: David Wilson has researched his roots for years and joined in 2013 when he found his great-grandmother's name and photo in the 1916 genealogy. He is our reunion planner when held in the Rye area and he is our liaison with the New Hampshire Historical Society.;
5. At Large: Chris Locke who supports the Association with his knowledge and experience.

Robert Locke's family had completely lost their connection to the Locke family. Using DNA research he found the connection and the Association. Attending his first reunion in 2006, he mentioned his accounting experience and promptly found himself elected treasurer. He has effectively revised the Association’s accounting procedures. He is descended from John and Elizabeth Berry Locke's son, William, documented down to F2743, Fred W. Locke, his second great-grandfather.

Don Hayes was first elected Secretary in 1971 at age 23. He edited the first supplement to the genealogy and was editor of the newsletter for over 40 years. He has attended every reunion since 1970. His first reunion was in 1956 at age 9. It was the first time he realized how far and wide we are connected. He is descended from John and Elizabeth Berry Locke's son William.
A BriefTimeline of Our History
Our 130th Consecutive Reunion. Even two world wars and two pandemics have not stopped the Locke Family!
Our first International Reunion is held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada so we could visit Lockeport, founded by our family.
A third update to the Locke genealogy is announced, this time to include an electronic databese.
Voted to dedicate the Homestead Fund towards building an on line "home" for information about Locke artfacts exclusively for members.
Our 100th reunion attracted over 300 members. The year also saw the establishment of the Homestead Fund.
With many members either serving or just rationed, we limited the reunion to a brief business meeting.
The Spanish Flu pandemic rocked the nation, but we met anyway with a shortened reunion.
The Locke Family Association was incorporated in the state of New Hampshire. We are the oldest such association in the nation!
The first reunion held in Rye, NH, our hometown. Strong interest resulted in a vote to hold annual reunions.
Our Membershipat a glance.

Check OutOur Locke Family Museum